June Fine, an artist from Newton, Massachusetts, lost her vision completely around the time of her 80th birthday. The purpose of this blog is to give her friends a way to see her work.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finding Gaia, Page 5

Spare me your warnings, Brother; I have no fear
Of speaking out, for you and Heaven to hear,
Against affected zeal and pious knavery.
There’s true and false in piety, as in bravery.

I am always busy cleaning house for my
children. I need to clean the water
so that they have enough to drink, and the
air, so that they can have fresh air to
play in.

My children, the trees, help me to clean.
Trees do not run and play; but they read
out their leafy branches to catch the sun.
They make cool, shady parks and forests.
They breathe in old air and breathe out
new air.

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